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Patricia Hopkins
(207) 582-5346
Martha Allen
Admin Assistant to the Superintendent
(207) 582-5346
Stephanie Houdlette
Administrative Assistant /Central Office
(207) 582-5346
Angela Hardy
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
(207) 582-5346
Terry McGuire
Director Of Technology & Title IX Coordinator
(207) 582-5346
Lindsey Bickford
Elementary Instructional Coach
(207) 582-5346
Andrea Disch
Business Manager
Business Office
(207) 582-5346
Heather Stanley
Payroll Specialist
Business Office
(207) 582-5346
Makayla Ross
Accounts Payable Specialist
Business Office
Dawn Stevens
Business Generalist
Business Office
Linda Sergent
Director of Nutrition
(207) 582-5346
Gabe Dostie
Director of Transportation & Plant
(207) 582-5346
Sarah Bolduc-Ignasiak
Director of Special Services
(207) 582-5346
Chrissy Ferreira
Assistant Director of Special Services
Brooks Ranolph
Admin Assistant to Special Services
(207) 582-5346
Bryan Wilson
School Psychologist
(207) 582-5346
Joshua Farr
Adult Education Director
(207) 582-3774