fly tying

Tigers Create!: Connections took place in the Library Commons last week during Parent-Teacher Conferences for students to engage with community members, staff, and
other students.

Community guests represented Blue Moose Art, Gardiner Public Library, Johnson
Hall, Maine State Library,  Ole' Time Mining, and Selene's Fly Tie Shop. Gardiner Area Thrives Coalition collaborated with us to host the event, so students could participate in a variety of activities.

The students who participated in the after-school event shared their enthusiasm for the experience:

I loved how locally-owned businesses and community members taught us what they do.

I didn't know looking at rocks, fly tying, and juggling could be so much fun. I had a blast!

I enjoyed the choices and creative freedom.

I was impressed by how invested everyone was in exploring the activities and creating.

It was so much fun spending time with friends, people I don't know, teachers, and community members.

Be watching for the next Tigers Create! event.