Good evening, this is Pat Hopkins, MSAD 11 Superintendent of Schools. I hope this message finds you all safe and warm.
I am sorry to inform you that there will be no school in MSAD 11 tomorrow, December 20. As things currently stand, Helen Thompson and the middle school are the only two schools that have power. It is highly unlikely that the LER, River View or Pittston Randolph Schools will have power back by tomorrow morning as a result of the flooding of the Kennebec River. The high school and central office remain without power. As soon as power is restored, the central office will open.
The roof of the c-wing at the high school was damaged, though not structurally, and caused some interior damage to a few classrooms, though the damage was not as significant as it could have been.
Many of our staff are reporting that they remain without power, are in locations where the roads are impassable and have daycares that remain closed. Without enough staff, power and passable roads, it’s impossible for us to open school tomorrow.
My fingers are crossed that schools will be open on Thursday. If that happens, Thursday will be a regular full day of school, not an early release day as previously scheduled.
Wishing you all well. Take care.