Students are going back to school following the holiday break. Remember: STOP means STOP! Watch the proper way to stop for a school bus, and what NOT to do. Learn more at NHTSA.gov/SchoolBus

If your child will be leaving school at the end of the day other than their usual manner, please send a note or email blawrence@msad11.org or kparadee@msad11.org by 1:30 p.m.

GRMS-Time Schedule
Student Arrival 7:00 a.m.
Dismissed to homeroom 7:10
TARDY 7:20 students must stop by office for a tardy slip
Classes begin at 7:25
(please note if you will be dropping your child off to school, please do so at the side office entrance. The front loop is for busses only.) The is a bit of a traffic jam in the morning...please help keep the drop off location moving swiftly.

Sports Physical Reminder
Any student wishing to try out and/or participate in a school sport must either have a current (2yrs) physical on file or submit one before participation is allowed. If you are unable to get an appointment in a timely manner with your provider, Walk-In Physicals are available at Concentra Urgent Care in Augusta or Maine General Express Care in Augusta. (We are not promoting either or these medical facilities, only trying to be helpful).
Please feel free to share this information.

Greetings Parents/Guardians and Families of Gardiner Regional Middle School (GRMS):
My name is John LaPerriere and I am immensely honored to join the staff, students, and families of GRMS as your new Principal. I am passionate about education and look forward to partnering with you to provide our students with a vigorous, engaging, and high quality educational experience. As a parent of two girls ages 17 and 25, I understand the value of a strong home to school connection. I believe that working together we can meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of all students.
This summer I have been getting to know the building, the community, and the educational goals of MSAD 11. I’ve learned that Gardiner Regional Middle School is a community where strong connections are made between home and school, and where staff members are committed to developing the whole child.
Professionally, I have dedicated the past 12 year to educating the students of every community I have served. Along with the teachers and staff, I will work tirelessly to continue the legacy of success established here at GRMS, by building relationships with parents, students, staff, and community members. All of us at Gardiner Regional Middle School are excited to begin what promises to be a great year. As Principal it is important for me that everyone that steps through our doors, are excited to be here. Finally, my door is always open and welcome your input. I look forward to working with you to provide the best middle school education for our students.
Thank you,
John S. LaPerriere
Gardiner Regional Middle School

Hidden In Plain Site

Tiger Food Pantry
Gardiner Area High School
Hours: Mondays 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., and
Thursdays 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Reminder...if students are going to have a change in transportation, please be sure to send your child with a note or email the school secretary. Busses will not be able to drop students at a different location without a note. Thank you.

Middle School Athletic Forms
The necessary paperwork for athletes is located on the Middle School Web Page. This link should lead you there. http://www.msad11.org/o/grms/browse/24368

Ticks and the diseases that they carry are an ongoing health concern in our area. Please be sure to check yourself and your child after coming in from outside. The following information provides basic but important information from the CDC on ticks and lyme disease.