MSAD 11 Job Postings as of April 17, 2024
As a reminder, students will be released 1 hour early today (1pm at GRMS) so they can have the opportunity to watch the eclipse. They are also being sent home with special glasses to protect their eyes while viewing this very unique event.
There will be a two hour delay this morning, Friday, April 5, and no am pre-k. The Central Office will open at 9 am.
Thursday's performance of "The Princess Bride" at Gardiner Area High School has been cancelled due to the snowstorm.
All Thursday tickets will be honored at a 1:00 p matinee on Saturday. If that option doesn't work for you, there are still tickets available for both Friday and Saturday evening as well
The Tiger food Pantry will be closed on Monday April 8, 2024. The Pantry be open Tuesday April 9, 2024 from 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Due to the pending snow storm, tomorrow, Thursday, April 4 will be a remote school day and the Central Office will be closed. You should have received a communication from your child's school administrator regarding the expectations for a remote school day and your child should have everything they need to complete work from home tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow we will be lucky and not need to deal with widespread power outages on top of a foot of heavy snow. Take care and stay safe.
MSAD 11 Job Postings for the 2024-2025 School Year
Latest information on anticipated remote day for GRMS on 4/4/2024 from Dr. Sims:
Parents of 6th Grade Students... a note from GRMS Nurse Quinn: Per Maine state law, all 7th graders are required to receive Meningococcal and Tdap vaccination before the start of the school year. I have reviewed records of current 7th graders and identified those missing Meningococcal and Tdap. Letters and Consent Forms have been sent home to parents/guardians of identified students. In an effort to help families and students to be compliant with state law, we are hosting an immunization clinic at GRMS. Students missing the Meningococcal and Tdap vaccinations are eligible to receive the required immunization at GRMS on Wednesday, May 22th during the school day. Completed consent forms must be returned no later than May 3rd in order to participate in the immunization clinic. Please reach out with any questions to
Please click the link for an important message from MSAD11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins:
REMINDER: MSAD 11 will have an Early Release Day tomorrow, March 28, 2024 (no Prek). GRMS and GAHS will dismiss around 11:00 am, and elementary schools at 12:00 p.m.
MSAD 11 Job Postings - 2024-2025
GAHS Drama Club Presents: The Princess Bride
MSAD 11 Job Postings 2024-2025
MSAD 11 2024-2025 School Calendar. Please note May 7 was listed as an Early Release Day in error.
Reminder: Thursday, March 14th Early Release Day in MSAD11 has been extended by one hour. The dismissal time for GRMS & GAHS is around 12:00 pm, elementary schools around 1:00 pm.
The Gardiner Area High School was put in ‘shelter-in place’/ ‘lock-in’ for a brief period of time this afternoon due to the report of a suspicious person on West Hill Road. The Gardiner Police and State Police canvassed the neighborhood and were unable to substantiate any threat. A Gardiner Police Officer is currently on campus and will remain on campus for the remainder of the day. Another Gardiner Police Officer will also be stationed at the Gardiner Regional Middle School this afternoon for precautionary reasons only. The State Police will continue to canvas the area while students remain in school. While we will remain vigilant we are confident that your child(ren) is safe.
March 2024 edition of the Central Office Newsletter
Maine Cabin Masters Crew Returns to Their Old High School (Gardiner High School) to Build An Outdoor Classroom. Join us on March 4th at 9:00 PM as we proudly present the GAHS episode of Maine Cabin Masters! All members of our school community are invited to tune in online and enjoy the show.
REMINDER: MSAD11 will have an Early Release Day tomorrow (2/16/2024). GRMS & GAHS dismiss around 11:00, elementary schools at 12:00 pm.