Reminder: 4th/5th Grade Band & Chorus Concert is tomorrow, 12/6 at 6:30 at GAHS Little Theater!

Ms. Hanley is bringing WinterKids Winter Games to HT! Expect fun ideas for outdoor winter play coming in January!

REVISED Late Start Committee Letter to Parents, Community Members, and Staff. Please click on link for letter. http://5il.co/2bw8

We’re appreciating our SWEET bus drivers!

Fire Prevention for PreK & 1st Grade!

It's time to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences! To schedule your HTS conference(s), go to

2nd graders wish Marney the Monarch a safe journey on his way to Mexico!

Mr. Newton is reminding all 5th graders to return instrument rental forms by next Wed., 9/13!

Check out our new playground feature! Thanks to Mrs. Shagoury & Mrs. Stackpole!

Welcome, PreK Students!